dekoder | Deciphering Russia
Centre for East European and International Studies
Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen
The Crimean Archipelago
A Multimedia Dossier

The Crimean Archipelago: Overview

From the Maidan to Incorporation – A Timeline

The Contemporary Debate – A Look Back

Speech of Vladimir Putin

Is international law “fit” to deal with Crimea?

Russian Crimea

Crimean Tatars

Ukrainian Crimea

Crimea after 2014: Identity and Living Conditions

Crimean Places

Will Crimea ever return to Ukraine?


The multimedia dossier The Crimean Archipelago is a joint project of, the Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS) and the Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen.

The Crimean Archipelago, a multimedia dossier, has been produced as part of the project Knowledge transfer squared: Russian Studies which is organized by and the Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen, with financial support from the Volkswagen Foundation.

Project manager: Leonid A. Klimov
Editor in chief: Tamina Kutscher
Consultant for research questions, ZOiS: Gwendolyn Sasse
Communications Director, ZOiS: Stefanie Orphal Project assistant: Jakob Reuster

Web development: Daniel Marcus
Design: Daniel Marcus, Kim Meyer, Uliana Stavi
Videos: Sergey Melikhov

Translation desk editor: Friederike Meltendorf

Editors for Russian texts: Natalya Casimirchik, Elena Isaeva, Jennie Seitz
Editors for Ukrainian texts: Ekaterina Sergatskova, Dmitry Fionik (
Editors for English texts: Zachary King, Alison Borrowman, William Driver
Content management: Alena Schwarz

Media partners
Russland Analysen
Ukraine Analysen
Geschichte der Gegenwart

Cooperation partners


The Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS) is an independent, international and interdisciplinary research institute. It concentrates on medium-term, socially relevant research on Eastern Europe and and shares the results with policy-makers, the media and the broader public. Researchers from a range of disciplines are represented at ZOiS, including political science, sociology, social anthropology, economic and social geography and political economy, as well as theology and the cultural studies.


A German-language online magazine offering media and expertise relating to Russia, dekoder puts Russian journalism and the scholarly expertise from European universities onto a single website. In 2016, dekoder received the Grimme Online Award for its innovative concept and its editorial work. Having public-benefit status with the purposes of advancing understanding between nations and education, dekoder is a project of Dekoder-gGmbH (Hamburg).


The Research Centre for East European Studies (Forschungsstelle Osteuropa – FSO) is an independent research institute attached to the University of Bremen. It is funded jointly by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs and the State of Bremen. Founded during the Cold War in 1982, the FSO today combines two goals: the (re)examination of societies and cultures in the „Eastern Bloc“ and the analysis of contemporary developments in the post-Soviet region. The Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen has been involved in the field of knowledge transfer since it was established. Since 2003, a central activity of the Research Centre is the regular online publication of “country analytical digests” (see

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